How to Manage Vascular Health Through Lifestyle Changes

Blog Post
By South Valley Vascular
February 5, 2024

You could be looking to improve your vascular health for several reasons. Maybe you had a scare in the past, or maybe you’re aware of a family history of vascular problems. No matter the reason, there are lifestyle changes you can make to improve your vascular health. 

Lifestyle changes like these could be the first step towards improving your vascular health and contributing to a healthier life.

What is Vascular Health?

You may find yourself asking, “What is vascular health?” In the simplest terms, vascular health focuses on the continued function and well-being of the circulatory system. 

A healthy vascular system circulates blood vessels from the heart throughout the body and back to the heart again. Along the way, it gives nutrients and oxygen to your organs and collects waste materials.

Why is Vascular Health Important?

Vascular health is important for two main reasons. The first reason is the risk of vascular disease. Several common conditions are related to the circulatory system, like peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and transient ischemia attack (TIA). Keeping your vascular health in top condition will reduce the risk of developing dangerous conditions like these.

The second reason vascular health is important is its impact on other major bodily systems. The vascular system connects many major body organs, including the lungs, heart, and kidneys. A problem in the vascular system could contribute to problems developing elsewhere in the body.

How to Improve Vascular Health

Now that you understand its importance, you may also wonder how to improve vascular health. Here are a few lifestyle changes to consider:

Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking has multiple health benefits in general, several of which are directly linked to vascular health. Smoking has been directly linked to the accelerated hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) as well as the thickening of the blood. Stopping smoking can be difficult, but there is assistance and resources available to help you kick the habit.

Start Monitoring Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure strains the vascular system, increasing the risk of vascular damage or complications related to atherosclerosis. Depending on your age and weight, a healthy blood pressure is around 140 over 85. If you’re prone to high blood pressure, you should get it checked regularly.

Be Aware of Any Vascular Changes

In addition to changes to blood pressure, be as aware as you can of any changes in your overall health. Some changes are minor or natural, but others can be signs of developing or worsening problems. The only way to know for certain is to get a diagnosis from a medical professional.

Getting Regular Medical Examinations

It’s easy to put off going to the doctor. However, regular medical examinations are necessary to get a fuller understanding of your body’s inner workings. This includes noticing and treating new or developing vascular issues before they become life-threatening problems.

How to Improve Vascular Health Naturally

Two major ways to improve vascular health naturally are a healthy diet and living an active lifestyle.

A balanced diet will not just help control your weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure. It also can prevent fatty deposits from building up in your arteries. In addition, it can reduce the risk of developing Type-2 diabetes, which can contribute to several other health complications.

Generally speaking, a balanced diet will include plenty of fruit, vegetables, and starches like wholegrain bread, pasta, and rice. It should also have a reduced amount of saturated fats, salt, and sugar. Talk to your nutritionist or medical provider for a full dietary plan.

Being physically active will greatly reduce the risk of vascular disease. It also reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, controls your weight, and increases flexibility. On top of that, you will reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol, helping you to look better and feel even better than that.

It doesn’t take a lot of increased activity to promote a more healthy lifestyle. As little as 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise on 5 or more days a week can make a difference. Increasing your physical activity doesn’t even mean more trips to the gym, either. It can be as simple as a walk or swim or activities like gardening. 

So get out there and get active; your heart (and circulatory system) will thank you!

South Valley Vascular: Start Improving Your Vascular Health Today

Making lifestyle changes for any reason can be an uphill battle. Even if we know it’s in our best interest, it can be very difficult to change alone. You aren’t alone in facing the journey to live your healthiest life. With help and support from friendly and knowledgeable experts, you can accomplish great things. 

For San Joaquin Valley residents looking to improve their vascular health, you have an ally in South Valley Vascular. Make an appointment today and learn more tips and techniques to improve your vascular health. Our blog has many other topics to help you begin building your own knowledge about the circulatory system and other vascular topics. Begin your vascular journey today and start living your healthiest life before it’s too late.